Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

TeqCrate is a type-safe datatype-generic programming library for F#. It offers a type-safe and extensible way to inspect, decompose and create values for various kinds of common F# and .NET types.
Markdig extension for rewriting URLs in link and image tags.
FParsec.CSharp is a thin C# wrapper for FParsec. Documentation: Release notes: Declare nullability correctly for Opt() and when unwrapping parser replies.
Markdig extension that renders any image inside a figure tag with a figcaption tag containing the title of the image.
Simple geometry entities, and basic calculations
Select partial functions made to have warnings in F#
A library used for generating solution files.
Elm inspired URL builder.
Funogram.Keyboard extension to build question-like keyboards with a predefined set of answers
The package is a collection of libraries that can be used for literate programming with F# (great for building documentation) and for generating library documentation from inline code comments. The key componments are Markdown parser, tools for formatting F# code snippets, includin...
Run standard fsharp codes in watch mode
A simple library for creating XML documents, based on the GiraffeViewEngine.
Calendar inline keyboard for Funogram
Heterogeneous collections for F#. Using heterogeneous collections, it's possible to act on arbitrary sum and product types in a generic way.
Role-based,composable,stateful and typed building targets
Funogram extension to work with inline keyboards
A collection of extensions to F# modules that are entirely generic, that is, you can use them in many situations that are not specific to any use-cases.
Dap Remote, link client and server actors in generic way
A collection of functions for use with F# that allow for a more concise and pragmatic approach to consuming user input via Command Line (CLI) interfaces.
Role-based,composable,stateful and typed building targets