Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on FSharp.Core

Total dependencies: 2244

System.Text.Json JsonConverters for F# types
Holds the core types associated with BinaryDefense.Myriad.Plugins.JsonWrapper
System.Text.Json JsonConverters for F# types
Using as a cloud drive.
This package is used to print values and types as their appears in F# style. it also provide a function to get default value from type info.
Function automatic inference execution
Web Server written for .Net Core
An F# / .NET library to access the Inoreader API.
Basic and common functionality to be used in FSharp projects
should be easy to have python at hand. this package downloads the embedded python version and sets you (sandboxed) up in one command.
Fast, immutable collections based on tree structures
F# wrapper over MongoDB.Driver
Lightweight framework for CQRS.
Provides simple SignTool support for use in FAKE (F# Make) build script. FAKE will fully support SignTool later as the feature is currently in development (2020-03-08).
"Require named arguments" Roslyn code analyzer and code-fix provider for C#
Use declarative programming in F# and write your SQL without dependency to infrastructure. When you want to execute the SQL then use e.g. Mutex.DeclarativeSql.SqlClient (for SQL Server) package.
Encodes and decodes data in the Quoted-Printable format.
A component to cluster map markers.
A C# Webview Application for Windows and Linux similar to Electron based on WebView2 (Windows) and GTK WebKit (Linux)