Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

ReMi TestUtils
Repository implementation around entity framework
DataUp makes data migration tasks safe and easy. Just build your application's data revisions as .NET classes then let DataUp to execute them if needed (if a revision has not executed yet). For details:
Now access entity framework dbContext as Ambient property. No more hassles of passing dbContext across layers.
Entity framework 6.x provider for Microsoft Access (Jet) files
Package description
Implement the data repository and its releated logi with entity framework for SQLServer
A library that extends Include of Entity Framework to provide filtering navigation property.
Convenient EntityFramework
DNX command line tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app
.NET library for using databases through Entity Framework.
Inteface for Oracle Entity
.Net Client for the OGN (Open Glider Network) KTrax Logbook FlightLog at based on
EntityFramework6 Conventions in prevision of EF7 migration
Provides an asynchronous operations over the original Vibrant.QuerySearch library.
Entity Framework implementation of BitsOnCoffee.Data Library