Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

Table metadata provider for your Entity Framework entities.
Create and configures filters applied to queries across a DbContext
Postgresql provider for Entity Framework 6 and above
EntityFramework + SqlCe adapter for Antler framework.
Web framework that extends ASP.NET MVC with a plug-in architecture and default implementations of commonly used features.
Simple EntityFramework testing library for FakeItEasy
A dependency injectable application framework for building, configuring, deploying and managing applications on Azure PaaS
DevForce takes care of your application's infrastructure-the gap between your data-layer and client-layer where the difficult job of turning raw data into business objects and moving them to and from the client's screen takes place. DevForce fills this gap so you don't have to. Instead of building, ...
Library for content managed microsites, competitions and Facebook applications.
A couple useful extensions for creating DB creation scripts from EF Code First models.
No description.
.NET helpers for Lucas Costa
This Nuget package is created to simplify the following authentication in Asp.Net Identity: - Cookie authentication for web sites - Token based authentication for HTML applications to Web Api - Token based authentication for HTML applications to OData
Implements the sphyrnidae security model over OWIN (OAuth authentication/authorization)
Lynicon CMS core for ASP.Net MVC with ASP.Net Identity.
Package to develop advanced management of the entityframework in a .Net MVC application
Backbone.js TypeScript Starter Kit
Entity Framework Repository Pattern
ErrLog.IO is an exception and error logging tool