Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on EntityFramework

Total dependencies: 4898

解决EF多条件使用sql语句无法查询的问题,扩展 sqlite:判断表、判断字段、添加字段的方法
Base classes that apps inherit off for Entity Framework connections
Entity Framework extension methods for bulk insert, bulk update, bulk delete and bulk merge operations.
JTS SCOPE DotNet Framework BLL Library
Classes to extensions helper.
See documentation:
Target .NetFramework 4.5.1 y NetStandard 2.0 (.Net Core 2.0) Implementaciones de acceso a datos mediante Entity Framework: -ContextAdapter -BaseUnitOfWork -Repository -Excepci...
Extensions for built-in web types.
Реализация некоторых провайдеров для TraceEngine.Core: 1) DataAccessProvider на EntityFramework. Описание неполное, без примеров, будет расширяться.
A .NetCore CLI tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app.
This component adds support for Carbonite to query and persists data entities via the Microsoft Entity Framework. Carbonite includes a new lightweight ORM capable of mapping your objects and database by convention, configuration or code. Carbonite also conceals other popular ORMs into the same prog...
Automatically define state of and handle graph of EntityFramework models with ease.
Adds consistent patterns for working with Entity Framework when using the common Core Functionality.
Helper methods to work with Entity Framework 6.* and Moq libraries doing mocks of Entity Framework main methods that access database. To understand how to mock on EF 6, then what this package can do for you, give a look at:
Interfaces de acceso a datos: -SqlServer -Oracle -Postgres -MySql
The ORDP driver for Entity Framework. This NuGet package is for Oracle Rdb Data Provider for .NET applications that use Entity Framework 6 applications. It will add the Oracle Entity Framework assembly and auto-configure for its use. Note that this package does not include ORDP.NET, which is a...