Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

Setup TestData For UnitTest
Sql storage for PeterKottas.DotNetCore.EnsureRunning - Fastest and easiest way to setup a function that runs securly given number of times (N) among pool of (M) services
Squirm is an experimental library that generates and executes SQL queries for SQL Server using a fluent syntax.
Warden MsSql Integration.
SqlServer Repository for JobToolkit .NET Job Scheduler
MyQuery is a LINQ-based SqlBuilder, it also provide an extension for Dapper.
An easy-to-use timeseries database client that allows storing of masses of simple of data structures identified by a string id and a timestamp.
A simple abstraction atop the Dapper and Dapper.SimpleCRUD extension methods for testability.
Nif.Orm.Dapper.Cqs is library to implement Command–Query Separation (CQS) principle with Dapper.
DMH Process Helper
Dapper.SqlBuilder Updated from StackExchange
SQL Server 2008+ (including Express), SQL Server LocalDB and SQL Azure storage support for Hangfire (background job system for ASP.NET Core applications).
Dapper SQL Repository
The wrapper above the 'Dapper' library allows you to write more familiar code in the F # language. It also contains a functional for more simple work with temporary tables
Proactive data access commands NetStandard package
Proactive data access messaging NetStandard package
Automata MiniORM BaseOn Dapper