Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Dapper

Total dependencies: 1885

Save and update objects to a database using expressions.
Extension set for dapper simplifies query creation
Dapper custom type handlers to serialize/deserialize objects to Xml and Json.
generic method for database first project and Crud
Snowflake data warehouse Extensions for Deluge - a library to create JSON pipelines
Executes a SQL Server Stored Procedure specified by a REST Url.
HEF Repository Component implement by Dapper
KmopoFramework data abstractions
Fast bulk insert extensions for Dapper.
HKH.DataProvider with dapper intergated
A SQL Server .bacpac alternative using zip files, ADO.NET and SMO
DaCo is a library for database communications. It simplifies these procedures: - establishing connections - executing queries - handling results Output type: Class Library Framework: .NET 5.0 Types: Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Excel
Siel is a high performance timer framework
作为 Reface.AppStarter 实现的 NPI 核心功能
security supporting features for integration services including: Authentication and Authorization
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
ImpartLab Repository Services Library Core support for ImpartLab.MultiTenant.