Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on CommonServiceLocator

Total dependencies: 573

Core framework - T4 scripts and base classes required for creation of model and request classes.
Core framework - T4 scripts and base classes required for creation of model and request classes.
Core framework - contains base classes and T4 scripts for code generation.
Makes SharePoint customization and extension easy and smooth.
Config free pluggable Windows Services Framework for hosting WCF services - HTTP Binding - MSMQ Binding - TCP Binding - Duplex TCP Binding - Self Contained Backend Processes
Extends the Microsoft.AspNet.OData package to provide built in controllers with support for all OData functions for WebAPI. Just register an IODataProvider with Unity,
Cireson Web UI
Reactive MVVM, allows for observable ViewModels which fire both PropertyChanged and IObservable. Used in conjuction with Rx.Main to allow you to observe off Viewmodel properties. Used in the SciChart WPF Examples Application, which demonstrates High Performance WPF Charts, available for download at ...
Host library for DotQueue lightweight server client thread-safe queue framework
DaisyTech PreTool Services
An XActLib assembly: library of tools to initialize Unity using conventions.
Features: * Very simple interface. Essentially the interface consists of two methods (with a couple of convenient overloads) on the class XmlExpressionSerializer from the namespace vm.Aspects.ExpressionSerialization: - public static XElement ToXmlElement(Expression expression...
Adds common functionality for working with Castle Windsor and using the Core Framework.
Contains the necessary classes to create a FHIR server. Both the setup classes and FHIR controller is here.
A small .Net Standard library used to model simple State Machines
The SDK simplifying the consumption of Sportradar's Unified Odds feed. (.Net Core 2.1 Addition)
Helper library for OData client