Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Azure.Storage.Blobs

Total dependencies: 160

Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
Imageflow.Server plugin for fetching source images from Azure Blob Storage.
Package Description
Client library for Azure Quantum.
MLOps.NET is a data science tool to track and manage the lifecycle of a ML.NET machine learning model.
Key Value Storage implementation over Azure Blobs
A Razor class library with logic to render a simple blog engine.
Additional components for managing Azure Storage.
Implement chunked uploads to Azure blob storage. Intended for use with DropzoneJS.
Library of utility methods and common functionality that are useful for most Adliance projects.
A client library for KMD Logic Audit
Working with fileshares and blobs in code is a hassle so I made this nice tool to help out
Uses Azure Blob and Table Storage services as an alternative to Entity Framework/SQL data access for IdentityServer4.
A simple auditing framework that uses Azure queues and tables
Azure implementation for BlobStorage Abstractions
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
CosmosDB Profiler is a real-time visual debugger allowing a development team to gain valuable insight and perspective into their usage of CosmosDB. The product is architected with input coming from many top industry leaders within the Cosmos DB community. Alerts are presented in a concise code-revie...
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. Offers implementations for lease and checkpoint management in Azure Storage.
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