Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Azure.Storage.Blobs

Total dependencies: 160

Services, abstractions and helpers for running in an Azure environment.
Plinth Azure Providers for Blob Storage
Digital Tax Free basic models and abstractions.
A .NET 8.0 BlobStorage Repository based on Microsoft samples
NServiceBus Transport for Azure Storage Queues
A simplified interface to Azure Storage Tables with the ability to reference blobs in Blob Containers.
Library with utilities and wrappers around commonly used stuff in Microsoft Azure Storages
Centralized configuration management support for .Net.Standard 2.0
Package Description
Microsoft Orleans persistence providers backed by Azure Storage
A provider for resolving and caching images via Azure Blob Storage.
A collection of classes to aid in development with Azure Storage Queues and Blobs
SharpAbp FileStoring Module
Provides a batching Sink that writes to Azure Blob Storage using append blobs.
Microsoft Orleans streaming provider backed by Azure Queue Storage
Azure implementation of the Kalix.Leo storage abstraction
Package Description
DTF common services.
PraxiCloud libraries offer a range of common functions, features and base classes to use when building solutions, increasing the time to delivery. This library includes lease and checkpoint managers for the legacy event processor host.