Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

Dream-Remoting is a networking solution primarily geared towards game development
SimpleCQS Autofac Extensions
A simple Autofac extension to simplify registering of components via convention.
Autofac integration for CoreApp
Integrates CommonProvider to Autofac Ioc for resolving dependencies.
Specify is a .Net testing library that builds on top of BDDfy from TestStack
Autofac IoC for NDomain, an extensible DDD CQRS ES framework.
ReMi Utils
ReMi LDAP Plugin
ReMi TestUtils
A basic starter kit for building MVVM Xamarin Forms applications using Autofac for dependency injection.
Asynchronous Timer that always execute it´s Action in a new child scope
Cannula.Autofac - An autofac container implementation for Cannula
Using Autofac to resolve dependencies in xUnit2 tests
My package description.
Vault.Core provides extension methods and helper classes for C#.
Package Description
Package Description