Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Autofac

Total dependencies: 2300

octalforty Structural Core
Microsoft Bot Builder extension for Skype Calling API. It provides the required constructs to extend your bot to handle incoming calls from Skype.
Red Arrow Engage Identity Api Client
Simple Ninject binding extension for Nerdle.AutoConfig
Autofac adapter for ReactiveUI, including Splat dependency resolver and registration extensions.
Easy to build a cluster command in the format of "command.exe command.controller command.action command.options"
Integration for Autofac for NSaga - Lightweight Saga management framework
Integration between Caliburn.Micro and Autofac
Simple event aggregator/messenger for .net applications
Caelan Framework for class building
Pre-built Autofac module for Saitama framework
An Autofac extension that adds support for alternatives to some of the Autofac-provided relationship types. This currently includes recognition of IReadOnlyDictionary<TKey, TValue> as a relationship type that provides the same capabilities as the built-in Autofac type IIndex<TKey, TValue>.
CodeCop Setup Autofac container adapter
Autofac implementation for the command handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Cqrs NuGet.
Autofac implementation for the domain event handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Domain NuGet.
Autofac container adapter for ServiceStack with per-request scope
The Autofac IOC Adapter for ServiceStack, as described here:
.NET components for building domains.