Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Duality Core

Total dependencies: 59

This package contains an object-based game menu sample with a custom Font, multiple menu pages and simple color animations.
This package contains a sample Scene that uses some very basic shaders to render sprites.
This package contains a testbed for camera controller Components and various sample implementations.
This package contains a testbed for user input handling.
This package implements a custom Particle System in Duality and showcases its functionality in a sample Scene.
This is a small sample project for the Duality game engine. It shows how to make objects that attract other objects in Duality. It contains one "testbed" scene as well.
This sample project demonstrates how to switch and reload scenes, the use of disposing a scene, and scene saving.
This sample project shows how to implement simple top down movement functionality in a Duality project.
This package contains a simple implementation of a commonly known casual game.
Defines core Resources and Components for using tilemaps with Duality.
The default audiovisual backend layer for Duality. It uses OpenGL and OpenAL, as provided by OpenTK.
The default system backend layer for Duality. It uses regular .Net Framework classes, as are available on desktop platforms.
Displays the content of the primary text logs of Duality.
Defines helper classes to retain backwards compatibility with older Duality versions.
A basic Camera View editor module.
This plugin provides facilities for importing and managing text-based files in general, and text-based data files such as xml/xsd and csv in particular.
This package contains a small coop game for one to two players, controlled with mouse / keyboard and gamepads. Recommended to play with stereo audio at full volume.
A simple undo/redo history plugin for the Duality game engine.