Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Duality Core

Total dependencies: 59

This plugin provides basic data structures, components and utilities, mainly used by other Frozen plugins.
Contains the external Duality API documentation help files. This is not required for in-editor documentation, but rather an external reference.
The Help Advisor editor module provides mouseover information on documented topics.
The default launcher application for Duality games.
Displays the contents of the current Scene hierarchically and allows editing the Scene graph.
Provides an overview of project Resources and allows importing new Assets.
Allows editing the properties of selected objects.
Defines the editor integration of the dependent core tilemap plugin.
The default editor backend layer for Duality. It uses OpenGL WinForms controls to integrate game views with editor UI.
A sample project to show how to use Tilemaps.
Introduces a Steering Agent Component that allows for objects to evade each other.
Introduces a naive implementation of dynamic lighting Components.
This package contains a testbed for RigidBody physics simulation, showing various aspects of their configuration and interaction.
This package implements a custom sprite renderer that is able to smoothly blend between two animation frames using a shader, rather than switching between the two frames instantaneously.
This package demonstrates custom rendering setups with fullscreen post-processing effects or fixed-resolution rendering.
This package implements a set of benchmarks for profiling Duality performance on your system.
This package contains a sample Scene for handling audio using SoundEmitters, and another one for handling it manually using code.