Top 20 NuGet Packages depending on Accord.MachineLearning

Total dependencies: 16

The Boerman.FlightAnalysis package contains algorithms to analyze flight movements and extract information like departure time and airfield, arrival time and airfield, total air time and more.
基于Accord.Net, CNTK等实现的机器学习相关方法
Real-time face detection and tracking, as well as general methods for detecting, tracking and transforming objects in image streams. Contains Haar cascade definitions, Camshift and Dynamic Template Matching trackers. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Mapping and geo-spatial functionality in your .NET software solutions.
This package contains libraries of the Accord.NET Framework that are NOT available under the LGPL. It currently includes Accord.MachineLearning.GPL, which contains GPL code and thus can only be used inside GPL-compliant applications. Please take extra care before including this library in your proje...
Histograms, scatterplots and tabular data viewers for scientific applications. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Web Business Intelligence library of imbVeles Framework. Currently supports Web Site Classification using different Semantic Similarity and TF-IDF computation, kNN, Neural Networks, mSVM and Naive Bayes
Machine Learning model for classifying gaming screenshots to determine a gaming match outcome.
Implements image-processing and computer-vision algorithms. Provides extensions for image-processing algorithms implemented in Accord.NET framework and for some image-processing algorithms implemented in AForge.NET framework.
Collection of low-level methods text classification, stemming, term weighting, word embedding and other usefull classes from other authors and open source projects.
Process, transforms, filters and handle audio signals for machine learning and statistical applications. This package is part of the Accord.NET Framework.
Wikiled Sentiment Analysis library
A multisensor data fusion framework.
A high level language for data transformations and calculations
Wikiled Text Anomaly Analysis library
hobbes.core library.