Top 20 NuGet XAML Packages
Use these extensions to build Prism applications based on Autofac.
WPF module of Alba.CsConsoleFormat. WPF control for rendering console documents. Output images to console. Export to FixedDocument, FlowDocument, RTF and XPS.
WPF Light UI Toolkit
Syncfusion’s pivot analysis for UWP is a .NET library that contains classes, interfaces, and events that help fetch and process relational data to a standard pivot engine. It is later used to render pivot grid, pivot chart, pivot gauge, and pivot client visualization components in UWP.
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Syncfusion’s OLAP for UWP is a .NET library that contains classes, interfaces, and events that help fetch and process the OLAP cube data to a standard pivot engine. It is later used to render Olap Grid, Olap Chart, Olap Gauge, and Olap Client visualization components in UWP. Also, MDX query parser i...
Show, close material dialogs & messages box, dialog identifier.
This assembly contains a set of extensions allowing developers to create more personal and Universal Windows Platform (UWP) applications.
Simple and beautiful doughnut charts
Style XAML applications with CSS
OmniXAML bridge for WPF.
WPF RichText Editor Control with conversion from and to HTML (XAML)
Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications;
Benefits of Grafile Image:
Save Design Time;
Save maintenance time;
Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Resolutions;
Application running faster with Ultra HD;
Smaller application resources size;
Includes Grafile sample xaml brush and drawingimage resources for WPF applications;
Light and dark themes for a professional look and feel.
Benefits of Grafile Image:
Save Design Time;
Save maintenance time;
Get best resolution; Same Xaml image for all DPI and Resolutions;
Application running fast...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Calcium Core features.
Calcium includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported plat...