Top 20 NuGet XAML Packages

React/Flux principles for native C#/Xaml Xamarin.Forms applications
ImageEx is a drop-in replacement for the XAML <Image /> control for the special use case when the Source property is changed quickly. A known bug in the control is that the image will flash (revealing the background visual) as it changes sources to the new source.
Codon Extras' core functionality is a shared code base in a .NET Standard library. Features that require platform specific implementation are implemented in respective platform specific packages. In the case of this package, the platform specific packages are: Codon.Extras.Android, Codon.Extras.Ios,...
Ammy UI Language for XAML platforms. Please install Ammy Visual Studio Extension for full support.
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Codon Core features. Codon includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported platform...
This package consists of a .NET Standard library that brings in data-binding features for non-XAML based frameworks such as Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS. Codon is a zero-dependency cross-platform MVVM framework for creating UWP, WPF, and Xamarin applications. It provides much of what you need to...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Codon Core features. Codon includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported platform...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Codon Core features. Codon includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported platform...
This package provides the platform specific implementations to support Codon Core features. Codon includes an easy to use ICommand implementation, frictionless INPC, a cross-platform settings service, IoC and DI, and a weak referencing pub/sub messenger. This package includes all supported platform...
A control for UWP and XAML apps to add Blur and Tint effect as background for panels.
A color wheel for the Material Design in XAML Toolkit that is modeled after Google's Material Design Lite CSS Customizer.
Extra Controls /first release/ (HtmlEditor, use Chromium)
Extra Controls /first release/ (HtmlEditor, use Chromium)
5 Skins.