Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

This package adds Android Support Library v7 Preference support for MugenMvvmToolkit.
IoT Communication Framework
IoT Communication Framework
Xamarin plugin for handling iBeacon detection and triggering any event as you like. iBeacon is trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
MvvmCross Plugin to handle the device's volume
MvvmCross plugin to access the device's flash/torch
A custom view component that mimics the new Material Design Bottom Navigation pattern.
Android library that help you to build app with swipe back gesture
UrhoSharp is a lightweight Game Engine suitable for using with C# and F# to create games that run on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Unix. The game engine is available as a portable class library, allowing your game code to be written once and shared across all platforms. UrhoSharp is powered by Urho...
UrhoSharp is a lightweight Game Engine suitable for using with C# and F# to create games that run on Android, iOS, Mac, Windows and Unix. The game engine is available as a portable class library, allowing your game code to be written once and shared across all platforms. UrhoSharp is powered by Urho...
Package Description
Cross platform Xamarin plugin to invoke RESTful web service from PCL, shared project or even from specific platform project
Dependency installer for CommonCore nuget packets
Dependency installer for CommonCore nuget packets
NetStandard implementation of actions that you can do on a Contact: Call, Sms, Email
Configurable, elastic multiple floating action buttons for Xamarin.Android
Add an icon in Xamarin Forms Entry control.
Microsoft Cognitive Services Face API client library for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms (or portable projects used for Android/iOS apps).
Perform navigation from view models in Xamarin.Forms without having to pass in the navigation object into the VM layer.
This is a Xamarin.iOS binding for Google maps utils library.