Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Mobigility packages are .NET libraries that help to develop mobile apps for iOS and Android using Xamarin and C#
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Skydoves' Rainbow 🌈 . An easy way to apply gradations and tinting for Android
Receive and handle push notifications across Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Oswaldo Gomez's LatestPhotoGallery. Android library to show last added or downloaded images like the functionality of Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp.
Xamarin.Android Binding for Akshay Sharma's BubbleTabBar. Android bottom navigation bar with customizable bubble like tabs
Extends the Label control with Markdown capabilities
A fast and efficient image loading library for Android focused on smooth scrolling.
Xamarin.Android Bindings for Farzad Farazmand's EmptyStateLibrary. An Android Library for showing different states of a view
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview-selection'. Library description: Library providing item selection framework for RecyclerView. Support for touch based and band selection is provided.
.NET for Android bindings for the Android Java library 'androidx.slice:slice-view'. Library description: A library that handles rendering of slice content into supported templates
Better Geolocator is a cross-platforms location library written in C# for Android, iOS and UWP that focus on getting a usable location as quickly as possible with the least amount of code.