Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

CSNumerics is a .NET Standard class library of various numerical algorithms written in C#. It currently consists of C# implementations of Michael J.D. Powell's optimization algorithms BOBYQA, LINCOA and COBYLA.
TestFairy is a powerful app testing platform which helps iOS developers send their apps to testers and provides videos that show exactly what happened on the client side during the test. When testing mobile apps in the crowd, you never know what exactly was done and if there was a problem, what...
A common library for PCL containing useful 'helpers'.
Extensions for converting ArcGIS features into their Xamarin.Forms.Maps equivalent. Works with Windows Phone 8 and higher, Xamarin Android and Xamarin iOS.
Mobiscroll package for jqMobi
This will let developers to send and receive sms from their android phones to there .net application. This is especially build for .net window form applications. For more details check out the documentation page You have to only install one app in your android ...
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. Contains StreetHawkBeacon
Xamarin Forms Control - CarouselView
StreetHawk Android SDK, Engagement Automation for mobile apps. Contains StreetHawkGrowth
NetStandard implementation of the Bing Speech API (Speech-To-Text) from Microsoft Cognitive Services
ImageButton for Xamarin Forms.
Biblioteca para facilitar envio de Push Notification usando o Firebase Cloud Messaging do Google
Xamarin Binding Library - CircleProgress
Video conversion using native MediaEncoder
Platform Tools is a component of the Android SDK required for working with Android devices. It contains tools such as adb.exe and fatboot.exe.
Platform Tools is a component of the Android SDK required for working with Android devices. It contains tools such as adb.exe and fatboot.exe.