Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Package Description
Fluent MVVM Core.
Xamarin.Android bindings for Android Support Library - preference-v7
Provides barcode scanning capabilities to your Crosslight apps.
Xamarin.iOS binding for TTTAttributedLabel
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
Fabric provides developers with the tools they need to build the best apps. Developed and maintained by Twitter and the team that built Crashlytics, Fabric provides an easy way to manage all your SDKs so that you’ll never have to worry about tedious configurations or juggling different accounts. We ...
Run your Android tests automatically.
Xamarin Library Packaged version of iTextSharpLGPL-Monotouch and iTextSharpLGPL-MonoForAndroid, based on iTextSharp v.4.1.6
The MonoGame runtime for Android.
The MonoGame runtime for iOS amd iPadOS.
This library is to simplify the connectivity status check on Android and iOS by providing a unified simple to use API to detect connectivity on both platforms. This package is compatible with the following .net platforms: Xamarin.iOS (Unified), Xamarin.Android, and soon (Windows Phone 8...
A Xamarin binding the Android Calligraphy library.
The main goal of this project is to supply a portable alternative to System.Text.Encoding that can be used from other PCL libraries. Platforms such as Windows Phone currently do not provide support for text encodings other than a limited subset of the Unicode encodings. This can be a real show-stop...
Ammy UI Language for XAML platforms. Please install Ammy Visual Studio Extension for full support.
Twilio Video makes it easy for you to add multi-party video calling into your mobile applications quickly.
Android platform specific code
This package includes additional extensions to support common components cross-platform such as: - TimeoutTask for providing a task that is actioned when the timeout occurs unless cancelled. - RequestCodeHelper for providing a helper for generating request codes for Android applications....
This package includes Windows.UI.Core like APIs cross-platform such as: - CoreDispatcher for providing the core event message dispatcher. Instances of this type are responsible for processing messages and dispatching the events to the UI thread.
DGActivityIndicatorView is a collection of nice loading animations for iOS.