Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

A picture's worth a 1000 tests. Unit testing asserts can be difficult to use. Approval tests simplify this by taking a snapshot of the results, and confirming that they have not changed.
Combined package to setup SpecFlow with NUnit easily for running the tests with the NUnit runners.
FsCheck.Xunit integrates FsCheck with xUnit.NET by adding a PropertyAttribute that runs FsCheck tests, similar to xUnit.NET's FactAttribute. All the options normally available in vanilla FsCheck via configuration can be controlled via the PropertyAttribute.
API client for
The NUnit3 TestAdapter for Visual Studio, all versions from 2012 and onwards, and DotNet (incl. .Net core), versions .net framework 4.6.2 or higher, .net core 3.1, .net 5 or higher. Note that this package ONLY contains the adapter, not the NUnit framework. For VS 2017 and forward, you s...
Bringing Jest-esque Snapshot testing to C#. See Project Site for more details
C# SDK for the test platform protocol. This SDK can be used in IDE or Editors to use test platform for discovery and execution of tests.
This library provides Microsoft.Extensions.Logging support for Xunit.
ReportGenerator converts coverage reports generated by OpenCover, dotCover, Visual Studio, NCover, Cobertura, JaCoCo, Clover, gcov or lcov into human readable reports in various formats. The reports do not only show the coverage quota, but also include the source code and visualize which line has be...
Xunit Snapshooter is a flexible snapshot testing tool for .Net unit tests with Xunit. It creates and asserts snapshots (json) within Xunit unit tests.
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment by offering LightBDD.Framework features on top of xUnit 2 testing framework. High level features: * user friendly bdd scenario definitions; * test execution tracing and time measurement, helpful during longer test execution; * Xml/H...
Adds support for running NUnit 3 unit tests on Xamarin Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS - Windows 10 Universal Apps
A testing library for creating Expected Objects
It's faking amazing! The easy mocking library for .NET that works great in C# and VB.NET alike. No need to know the difference between a stub, a mock or a spy, everything's a fake! The easy to use, refactoring friendly API makes faking a breeze.
The most powerful free mocking library available for .NET developers.
Test harness for Nancy applications.
Machine.Fakes attempts to simplify the usage of such frameworks on top of Machine.Specifications by helping to reduce a lot of the typical fake framwork related clutter code in specifications. If you choose so, Machine.Fakes even helps you to stay mostly independent of a concrete fake framework by p...
NSubstitute is a friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries. It has a simple, succinct syntax to help developers write clearer tests. NSubstitute is designed for Arrange-Act-Assert (AAA) testing and with Test Driven Development (TDD) in mind.
Unquote is not just another DSL or API for making unit test assertions. Instead, assertions are written as plain, statically-checked F# quoted expressions and test failure messages are given as step-by-step F# expression evaluations. Unquote integrates configuration-free with all exception-based un...
C# port of the Ruby Faker gem ( and is used to easily generate fake data: names, addresses, phone numbers, etc.