Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

A collection of useful tools for developing Windows and Windows Phone Apps using C# and XAML.
Simple helper for applications using MVVM pattern.
This is just a package that contains the dll from . I do not take any credit for the Artefact Animator Library and this is just an unofficial package.
NemerleWeb framework
CityLizard Framework allows developers to design strongly typed XML and HTML using .NET languages, such as C#, VB, F#, Nemerle. The project inspired by LINQ to XSD and Sharp DOM.
MvvmQuickCross is a lightweight (no binaries) cross-platform MVVM pattern to quickly build native Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps with shared C# code. MvvmQuickCross provides data binding for Android (and for iOS soon). It accelerates development with scaffolders ...
Tiny mvvm library that does the absolute minium that you need in order to demonstrate MVVM functionality.
WPF/MVVM utilities: commands, converters, async support, etc. Consider this MVVM light light
KSMVVM.WPF is a MVVM toolkit that helps developers refactor code-behind WPF projects to MVVM.
A framework for the serialization of the popular JQuery DataTables Plug-in. There are two small libraries, CubedElement.DataTable.Contracts and CubedElement.DataTable.Model, and when building this the goal was not only to make it user friendly, but to make it n-tiered and IoC friendly too!
Currently supports Vista/Win7 control panel style window with glass VS2012 like (light and dark) Modern (office hub page)
help sl5 apps ArithCollect.dll(portable)-arith CaseMap.dll(sl5)- layout engine Slex.dll(sl5)- extand method XnaCanvas.dll(sl5)- xna help lib
SpiritMVVM is a Model-View-ViewModel library, focused on richness of feature-set and cross-platform compatibility, using the Portable Class Library. It was designed from the beginning to incorporate many modern features and "niceties" found scattered in other MVVM libraries, but only truly combined...
EzNet MVVM Library Package
QuickCross is a lightweight (no binaries) cross-platform MVVM pattern to quickly build native Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Windows Phone and Windows Store Apps with shared C# code. QuickCross provides data binding for Android and for iOS. It accelerates development with scaffolders and code ...
Usable for composing View and ViewModel in MVVM Pattern via reflection
A fast, declarative dependency injector for .NET and Mono
Example of SignalR with F-Sharp (and Silverlight 5 or Javascript): - SignalR is a library (for web-based Publish/Subscribe -pattern) on top of WebSockets, which is HTML5 API that enables bi-directional communication between the browser and server. SignalR will fallback to other techniques and...