Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Middleware that shows the internal structure of pages to help with debugging issues with page composition and data provisioning
Middleware that enables an application to use OpenIdConnect for authentication. Supports Authorization Code, Implicit and Hybrid flows.
Swashbuckle.Owin extensions for DotVVM.
Workaround Middleware for Katana Bug #197. Strong name signed.
DryIoc extension for OWIN
Provides a default starting point for setting up a new WebApi service which includes Its.Configuration and Its.Log with a set of classes that preconfigure numerous defaults.
Provides base functionality in terms of identity management.
The PingFederate OWIN Middleware OpenIdConnect Client allows your C# application to take advantage of OWIN to start authentication with PingFederate using the OpenIdConnect Authentication module they provide.
Amazon OAuth provider for OWIN to use with ASP.NET 4.5
OWIN middleware implementation mixing Windows and Forms Authentication.
A scaffold for building an application with Zurb for Applications and .Net that includes OWIN Token based authentication.
Owin Globalization Module. It substitutes the classcical Globalization module. Supported cultures specification. Best match with all suppported cultures. Culture stored in url and/or cookie. If no culture is found in cookie or Url a best match between supported cultures and the cultures spe...
OWIN middleware for validating OAuth2 and OpenID Connect scope claims.
An implementation of HttpMessageHandler for use with HttpClient that invokes requests directly against an OWIN application. Useful for testing and embedded scenarios.
Adds additional OAuth providers for OWIN to use with ASP.NET
WebApiThrottle message handler and action filter are designed for controlling the rate of requests that clients can make to an API based on IP address, client API key and request route. WebApiThrottle works with ASP.NET Web API hosted is IIS, Owin with IIS and Owin self-hosted.
Entity Framework Persistence Layer for the IdentityServer3 WS-Federation Plugin
A ASP.NET Status Board framework, OWIN implementation
A compatibility layer for sharing authentication tickets between Microsoft.Owin.Security and Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication. This package was built from the source at: