Top 20 NuGet owin Packages

Contains implementations of types declared in Brick.OWIN.
Adds additional OAuth providers for Weixin to use with OWIN and ASP.NET
3rd Party Owin OAuth. Asana integration.
LightNode(as Micro REST/RPC Framework) Client for Unity with UniRx.
A library containing OAuth server providers and utilities for OWIN using JWT.
A very simple implementation of Identity using OWIN
Create Micro Service
By using of this package you can create your own test-tokens for OAuth.
This package provides an OWIN middleware for user powerful authorization based on daenet’s Security Manager. By using of SecManAuthorizationMiddleware you can maintain authorization rights for applications, users, groups and their roles. SecManAuthorizationMiddleware runs after user has been s...
Encapsulate some OWIN based middleware
Startup Entry of Ezi.Owin.Server which is linked to Ezi.Owin.Middleware
Owin Adapater for WebApi
An OWIN middleware component to authorize requests using a token in the Authorization request header and also adding ClaimsPrincipal to OWIN environment
Middleware that applies limits to an OWIN pipeline. Currently supported are max bandwidth, max concurrent requests, connection timeout, max request content length, max querystring length and max url length.
This package contains everything you need to incorporate SignalR into your .NET mobile backend hosted in Microsoft Azure. For more information, check out DEPRECATED: Azure Mobile Services is now deprecated in favor of Azure Mobile Apps. This library should not be ...