Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

A set of reusable components to be used by HCMIS Warehouse and supporting applications as well as Reporting Dashboards
N-Tier Entity Framework WCF RIA Services base library and T4 code generation templates.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework.
EntityFramework пакет для Zen.Core
This package adds the PredicateExtensions source directly to your project. For the full project, including tests, download the project from github.
Simple and effective C# Generic Repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 models. Use of generics and async makes eliminates complexity without sacrificing features.
CSDE Directory Manager Entities and Context for use with Entity Framework in order to access the database. Uses Entity Framework v. 4.3.1.
CSDE Directory Manager Entities and Context for use with Entity Framework in order to access the database.
We moved here: NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2014
EntityFramework Data Access Component for Application Framework
My package description.
EFConvention is a convention based extension library for Entity Framework to automate several tasks currently cumbersome to do. It allows developers to create an Entity Framework based Context without having to specify each entity by putting it as DbSet<> as property.
We moved here: NOTE: The current package is *UNSUPPORTED* since 2014
Collection of data repositories and other helpers for EntityFramework and EF Code First
Application Framework assemblies for use with Entity Framework Code First
ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module - Infrastructure - EntityFramework
IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
Adds the templates that EF uses to generate Code First models from a database so that code generation can be customized.
MiniProfiler integration for Entity Framework versions 4 and 5.
A generic Repository Pattern Entity Framework implementation for .Net.