Top 20 NuGet Entity Framework Packages

Data, scope, transactions
Data, scope, transactions
Faking support for DemiCode.Data
Entity Framework读写分离组件
Entity Framework Code first get started project structure such as: - ApplicationDbContext - ApplicationDbInitializer - BaseEntity
This package contains base interfaces that enable developers to implement Unit Of Work and Repository patterns with data stores.
SD.Toolkits EntityFramework基础
An ASP.NET Identity 3.0 provider for Entity Framework 6
EntityFramework 6 provider for Identity 3.0.
Interfaces that abstract entity framework context and DbSet
Code generation tool for SQL Server sprocs
Common extensions for entities for every project using Entity Framework
Generic Repository implementation for Entity Framework.
Package provides integration between Generic Repository and Query Mappings for Entity Framework
UnitOfWork for LiteDB
Configure storage stuff powered by EntityFramework, unity container is used for dependency injection purposes