Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Package Description
Package Description
Xamarin Bindings Library for the Tappx Android SDK. Assembly version matches SDK version.
A simple & light State Manager for Xamarin Forms
.NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) bindings for Google Play Services library ''. N/A
Bringing .NET Core Configuration feature into Xamarin. Use appsettings.json file just like in ASP.NET apps to provide configuration parameters to Xamarin apps.
Helper utilities for Xamariners.RestClient
Library for logger utilities for xamarine mobile apps.
A Xamarin Android library providing APIs to interact with beacons.
A C# port of Android Studio's Svg2Vector for converting .SVG files to Android Vector Drawable XML format.
Xamarin.Android binding of
Package Description
Tooltip popup for Xamarin.Android projects
Xamarin Binding Libraries of MobileDocs SDK for Xamarin iOS and Android
Small plugin to allow Xamarin Forms apply different language on the fly
Lite version of C# bindings for Google APIs Mobile Ads iOS Library while waiting for the official release from Xamarin. Only focus on Banner, Instertitial, and Reward Ads. Try to be as close to Xamarin's naming of namespaces, methods and classes as possible
Custom view and controls for Xamarin Forms projects