Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Cake.ResxConverter allows the use of ResxConverter via Cake script.
Unofficial FolderPath plugins for Xamarin
SCLAlertView port to Xamarin
Small library for Xamarin.Forms apps localization, supporting multiple resource dictionaries as well as multiple PCL's
Xamarin.iOS binding for DownPicker Objective C Library
Xamarin.iOS Android for Logentries based on Android Logentries library
Xamarin Bindings library for SystemBarTint -
This library adds some non-existent functionality to controls such as ListView, Entry, Picker, and Slider.
Xamarin FileStorage Json configuration provider
Xamarin.Android custom controls with swipe actions.
A port of for .NET PCL written in C#
Xamarin and Windows plugin to perform text to speech functionality. Adjustable pitch, speak rate, locale, and more.
Supported Xamarin platforms: - Android - iOS 1. Install DependencyResolver to PCL project, that contains platform depended interface TService. 2. Install DependencyResolver to Android/iOS projects. 3. Add DependencyAttribute to platform specific implementation of TServi...
EasyLayout.Droid makes it easier to read, write, and maintain relative layouts in Xamarin Android. It's a port of Frank Krueger's EasyLayout (
Android (Notification) Toast Control for WPF
Xamarin Android binding library for SimpleCropView.
Invention Library is a set of portable foundation classes extending the base .NET framework.
AVLoadingIndicatorView is a collection of nice loading animations for Android.