Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Pulsing CALayer for Xamarin.iOS. It comes with pulsing animation effect
Interactive and modern calendar for Xamarin forms with two weeks shown.
Easy to use with an internal icon of your choice. Contains several properties.
ZFPlayer ijkplayer 绑定完成
Modern Xamarin.Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
Xamarin.iOS Stripe.
Bluetooth Plugin for Xamarin Forms (Android only)
Exif library for Android
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Coloredbox (List/Table) with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available.
A cross-platform API for authenticating users and storing their accounts.
TriggerIt is a lightweight library for triggering actions based on logged events or uptime. It's origin is in Xamarin Forms development but it can be easily extended.
A GuestureLock library for Xamarin.Forms and for private usage.
This is a test plugin as a POC to submit to Nuget package
Plugin Description
Package Description
Xamarin bindings for PaperOnboarding library by Ramotion
If you want to write Log in your App like NLog Library, you can try this Library.
If you use MVVM in Xamarin.Forms project, you will do lot of annoying things for implementing the IPropertyChanged. This library will help you to simply it. You just inherit its' BaseNotifyProperty class for your ViewModel Class. Others will be set and done. Thank you.