Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Python 2.7 build for android.
hg version 4.8.2 for android
hg version 4.8.2 for android
Xamarin.iOS.WeChat without payment
Provides abstractions for Xamarin file storage.
Notify user when a new version of your app is available.
XCore - UIControls component
simple draw lib 4 xamarin workbook
腾讯微信支付绑定 安卓绑定 6.8.18 支持maui 非腾讯官方版本
The MKM-HealthData SDK is an Xamarin port of Samsung Health SDK which enables the Xamarin developers to get the health related data and use it in implementing cross-platform mobile applications. Developers can benefit from The Samsung Health SDK's official Documentation to get familiar with the SDK...
CLImageEditor for Xamarin.iOS
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use Title with incredible convenience, with multiple colors in title available.
Rating with default images (Star, Heart)
A beautiful, elegant and easy-to-use CollapseBox (which shows and hides content with a single click), with multiple colors in title available.
Xamarin iOS Binding library for OpenEars Framework
Xamarin Android Binding for Filament rendering engine
.Net HotReloading
A crossplatform FMOD audio wrapper for Monogame.
Swap Image along makes it easy to replace images without reloading the page(Screen).