Top 20 NuGet Xamarin Packages

Cross Platform Mobile Development

Common operation extensions with a MVVM framework for Android
Common operation extensions with a MVVM framework for IOS
NView is a cross platform user interface library for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Mac.
Portable math library for game development. Part of TOE: Tiny Open Engine.
Extended entry, originally based on XLabs extended entry control
Select or take photos, originally based on media picker from XLabs
Open-source base project for my Xamarin.Forms based AppCreator
A Xamarin iOS library to enable dependency injection of UIViewControllers that use storyboards. This package provides a default implementation for the TinyIoC container.
A Xamarin Android library providing APIs to interact with beacons.
Native markdown rendering for Xamarin.Forms.
A Xamarin iOS library to enable dependency injection of UIViewControllers that use storyboards.
Client library for accessing Concur Web services
It's a fluent Dependency Injection container, which is easy to use and understand. It's also a cross-platform class library.
The Flurry Analytics SDK provides you with the tools and resources you need to gain a deep level of understanding about your users’ behavior in your apps. Set up advanced analysis of complex events, with metrics, segments and funnels to better track your users’ habits and performance.
A lightweight implementation of ASP.NET MVC APIs for mobile devices.
This packages provides C# bindings for the OUYA Development Kit.
Font Awesome Icon Generator for Xamarin.Forms
Monodroid binding library for
This package contains some code to add Babel / Multilanguage capabilities to your MvvmCross app.