Top 20 NuGet XML Packages
Manages saving and reading files.
Serializer and Deserializer support for RestSharp XML RPC client.
C# extension library for input/output operations and data management.
A short and sweet REST client
EVE Api integration based off documentation available at
An easy way to have xml outputs from your ordinary actions
XML implementation of Neptuo.Formatters.
Allows syncronizing a set of xml files to a set of database tables.
Mexican Digital Invoicing (CFDI) Library
Shims.Xaml lets you easily create libraries that work on WPF and Windows 10.
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C#-to-JavaScript compiler babylonjs game development plugin.
C#-to-JavaScript compiler webix application development plugin.
C#-to-JavaScript compiler kiwi game development plugin.
Files.Ftp library contains client components for communicating with FTP/SFTP servers.
Note: these components depend on Rebex File Transfer Pack libraries which require third-party licensing. These dependencies are not included in the repository or in the Nuget package. To use these components you ...
Azure Service Bus library contains components for communicating with Azure Service Bus with ease.
Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easie...
Http library contains components for publishing HTTP interfaces and consuming REST services.
Integround Components is a collection of open source integration components to help you build custom integration solutions easily. These components can be used in any .NET application to make it easier to e...
C#-to-JavaScript compiler box2d game development plugin.
C#-to-JavaScript compiler pixijs game development plugin.
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xdt (e.g. code version of csproj TransformXml task)
StructuredData.Transform implementation for xml using xslt (e.g. XmlCompiledTransform)