Top 20 NuGet XML Packages
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Xml.XmlEncode
Provides a generics version of XmlSerializer.
Tests for netfx-System.Xml.XmlSerializer
Provides unit tests for DynamicXml package.
xUnit tests for netfx-System.Xml.XmlDecode
The HierList ASP WebControl generates hierarchial lists from XML data sources using the <ul>, <ol>, and <li> html tags. The HierList supports the XmlDataSource and SiteMapDataSource controls for binding to XML and site maps respectively.
Gestalt.Net is a simple library for application configuration that handles things like encryption automatically.
44KB of Helpers: Http/Rest, Serialization/Deserialization, Extensions, IO, Email, Security and a light curl/wget like cli for windows users!
Xml Serialization to serialize objects of the specified type into Xml strings and deserialize Xml strings into objects of the specified type.
A "wheel" that allows you to validate an xml document against a schema.
Provides classes to store localization strings in a database, XML file, or any other source.
HttpServiceClient is a very simple HTTP client class written in .NET to help you consume RESTful web services.
XmlMapper is a .Net xml library. This xml library allow you to bind your xml to your class properties using XPath. Please visit
Merges XML configuration files the way NuGet does it or Transforms them the way Microsofts web.config transformations does it but without the dependency on MSBuild.
NXKit forms the basis of an XML processing engine that can be used to implement other XML based models, such as XForms, or theoritically a full web browser user agent.
NXKit.Web.UI provides the basic model for rendering a NXKit hosted document in ASP.Net. The View control forms the basi...
Move quickly from data in your programs to data on your harddrive and vice versa. Validate XML files against a schema before deserialising them. Get detailed validation errors to let you know exactly what's wrong with your XML format.
Full source code and example data available on GitHub: https://g...
Ramone is a C# library that simplifies access to HTTP based Web APIs and REST services. It has a strong focus on REST and hypermedia and implements elements of the Uniform Interface as first class citizens of the API.
Ramone has built-in support for serialization of simple objects as JSON, XML, URL...
This ITU-T/ISO standard XML encoding is compact, fast and interoperable. Integrated into the XML processing API of .NET, it is as straight forward to use as the text encoding.
NXKit core HTML/JavaScript view implementation. Provides JavaScript libraries and HTML templates using KnockoutJS.