Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

Avalon Wizard is an implementation of the Wizard control for Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF). Features: - Easy to use. - Supports non-linear navigation. - Includes Aero Wizard and Wizard 97 styles. - Can automatically select the wizard style based on the OS version. - Fully documented. - Pro...
ViewModelbase and CommandBase
KinectExtensions: Point3D from Joint Model3DExtensions: make Model3D objects (cylinder, box) TCD.Kinect.Controls.SkeletonPainter3D: three-dimensional output of Skeletons and other objects.
NOTE: since v1.2.0 it's a Portable Class Library. Due to the nature of Portable Class Libraries, it's not possible to maintain the System.Windows.Media.Media3D namespace (and extending it). Instead all classes now orignate from TCD.Mathematics TCD.Mathematics provides classrs, which allow advanced ...
Libarary that helps you show exception in application as friendly as possible. Signed.
Ultra light WPF, MEF and MVVM enabled Framework.
Lightweight and extensible undo framework for .NET
MSI Install Manager is an API that allows you to install an MSI within a .NET application. You can create a WPF install experience and drive the execution of the MSI within. (In fact you can use command line, Winforms, or any other .NET capable client )
StyleMVVM is a full featured MVVM framework designed from the ground up for the Windows Store platform (C#, C++ and HTML/JS supported). StyleMVVM has now been ported to Windows Phone 8 and WPF (.Net 4.5).
A WPF TextBlock control that shows a tooltip when trimmed and can make the font size smaller automatically to fit
This package contains several framework classes that extend WPF applications. This library is in alpha status and is not considered stable. It is only working in conjunktion with .NET 4.5.
MVVM Event to Action for your Windows 8 / Windows Phone projects
BellaCode.Mvvm is a lightweight library for following the Model-View-ViewModel (M-V-VM) pattern.
A set of types that extend and enhance the databinding functionality in WPF/Silverlight/WinRT. There is currently only one type: ObservableFilter - A configurable filtered ObservableCollection intended to act as a replacement for filtering that was present in WPF but isn't in WinRT. (For when you d...
WPF lacks some basic functionality, so I coded it up and share the result with you here. Controls and windows include InputBox (like the VB6 function but more powerful), EditableLabel, ThumbnailPanel, and more. There are also helpers for associating with file types and starting up with Windows.
TestApi is a library of test and utility APIs that enables developers and testers to create testing tools and automated tests for .NET and Win32 applications. TestApi provides a set of common test building blocks -- types, data-structures and algorithms -- in a simple, layered, componentized and doc...
T4IncludeWPF provides a set of reusable T4 templates for generating dependency properties, events and commands
This is a set of utilities to help WPF applications take greater advantage of the Windows shell than is currently provided in the framework. The current v2 release has APIs for working with the Windows 7 taskbar and for creating custom window chrome.
XAML Operations Binding Library
A simple and customizable converter/extension from bool to Visibility for Wpf/XAML. It offers a markup extension (so you can use it inline in XAML without defining a resource) and easy custumizability of the conversion.