Top 20 NuGet Windows Presentation Foundation Packages

Wpf captcha usercontrol
This provides a function to automatically adjust the scale of the UI.
Base ViewModel and RelayCommands for MVVM
Библиотека выполняющая интерпритацию обычного текста в тип FlowDocument.
Accurate toast notifications for WPF, visually similar to Windows 10 notifications.
A powerful and easy to use WPF library for drawing Sankey diagram
Пакет содержит стили и шаблоны элементов управления WPF под .NET5.0
Waves UI WPF library.
Positioning vector text characters along a curved line
Auto validation model for WPF
Provides the IProgressStatus interface used by the ProgressDialog package, as well as a ProgressStatus Class as a sample implementation of the interface.
Simpler declaration for WPF Dependency Properties.
A label control offering the look of an LCD panel display
Extensions for agile programming in wpf controls. Currently textbox field
A compilation of useful WPF visual tree helper methods.
WPF utils
A library for embbeding Font Awesome icons in WPF & Windows Forms applications