Top 20 NuGet WPF Packages

ActionCommand - реализация ICommand
WPF ItemsFilter Extension for any ItemsControl, such as DataGrid.
A WPF control for visualizing and editing networks, graphs and flow-charts
A Simple TouchScreen Keyboard
Active List Extensions provides a set of linq extensions that dynamically update and throw collection change notifications.
NB! This package is deprecated, use LiveXAML instead LiveXAML allows for live UI reload in Xamarin Forms applications. This package is a runtime dependency, you also need to install Visual Studio extension.
WPF MVC Framework
Cake host for ClickTwice publishing, including the addin and all required libraries
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
A lightweight set of utilities and controls for Wpf. It's the set of tools I usually recreate for every project.
A flip view that works on Win7. Handles mouse & touch.
Cannoli Interfaces
A collection of tools made for WPF development.
Embeddable image resizing library for console, WPF, & WinForms usage. Not suitable for use in ASP.NET applications.
Custom minimal MVVM framework. Uses basic building blocks such as ObservableObject and RelayCommand.
Pushpin button control for WPF