Top 20 NuGet WPF Packages

Librería que contiene controles básicos para el desarrollo de apps con Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Android y WPF
A set of common utilities and reusable components for XAML development.
Aurora Framework Syncfusion Container for docked views
MVPVM Framework Application All
BMSF WPF utilities
Preview/Save XPS from your WPF Visual object.
Provide License Register GUI
Nuget for common methods about digitalPersona 4500 Reader FingerPrint.
WindowPlacement helpers for WPF
Useful WPF functionality
WPF controls
View models that support Manatee.Wpf.MessageBox
A highly polished Windows Aero theme for WPF supporting the Aero, AeroLite and High Contrast system themes of Windows 8 and Windows 10.
SingleInstance class from Microsoft that determines if only one instance of the application is running at a time. Packaged and distributed for WPF and .NET 4.0 Client Profile by CYINT Technologies.