Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Provides extensions to xunit for unit testing Patterns
NServiceBus integration testing support
.NET Standard Client Libraries for Test Rail Test Case Management.
A fixture for XUnit that starts up Azurite. You can then emulate Azure BLOB and queue storage when running tests. Whilst it was built for XUnit it should be framework agnostic.
Test framework using xUnit, AutoFixture and Moq for creating tests in declarative way for easy maintanence.
Inject DateTime values for better manipulation and testing
Testing Utilities
RunTicks is a simple library for performance testing of code.
Provides readable assertions for Visual Studio unit testing.
This extension allows NUnit to create result files in JSON formats for sending via the Test Management for Jira REST API.
A library for unit testing.
Testing library, adding an Asp.Net Core logging provider that logs to xUnit ITestOutputHelper.
An extension to AutoFixture to easily work with MockHttp.
xUnit integration for BDD-toolkit-dotnet
Test framework using xUnit, and AutoFixture creating tests in declarative way for easy maintanence.
NUnit extension for the objects verification.
Write Data To Json File To cache it for testing