Top 20 NuGet Unit Testing Packages

Extension to xunit that allows yout to resolve the test class by MEF.
Executes Gauge-to-NCrunch bridged-steps generated by NGauge.
Provides fakes and classes that can be more easily overridden, mocked, or stubbed in tests.
A transport for NSB that runs in memory for integration testing NSB endpoints.
Setup and teardown of service resources in unit testing and integration testing.
Framework built on top of xUnit to allow writing inheritance based BDD style tests.
Help features for test driving EPiServer CMS and Commerce
Setup http client resources
xUnit Helper for building Browser Tests
Proxy factory which creates objects recording every action to Nure.EventReport
In memory stores for MR.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework6.
In memory stores for Identity 2.
An NUnit test runner which runs inside your ASP.NET application.
Selenium driver implementation for the Alias framework.
XUnit test executor implementation for the Alias framework.
NUnit constraints for JSON data
NUnit 3.0 HTML report with screenshots, emails and test history
A super quick localDb testing framework for use with Entity Framework. It uses a localDB instance for the entire test run's life. Each test's execution is wrapped into transaction to avoid test interfering with each other. This means the cost of setting up the DB is only paid once. That is when th...
Package Description
Beautiful object graph assertions in C#.