Top 20 NuGet TypeScript Packages

Generate TypeScript ambient types from .NET types
Powerful dependency injector for TypeScript
Typescript wrapper around the Leafly public developer API.
Layouts is Javascript/Typescript library that allows web developers build complex UI in HTML5 using a Xaml derived markup. Github repository and help online: Tutorial: ...
DefinitelyTyped.NET is a utility that can generate typescript classes, interfaces and enums, based on .net types.
MaulingMonKey's typescript gamepad API for consistent cross-browser and cross-gamepad binding, polling for input, etc.
An extensible utility to convert, identify, and flip string case.
Undo-redo support for JavaScript/TypeScript applications
Just small TypeScript library for creating of storyboards from your images. :)
Rota SPA framework powered by angularJs and typescript
A tool that generates JavaScript or TypeScript for a Facility Service Definition.
A Screeps Profiler (screeps-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Translate your CSharp data classes to Typescript definitions.
iwhen, Immediate Promises for TypeScript 0.8.3
V8 Profiler (v8-profiler) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Adds T4 templates used to generate TypeScript trackable entity classes from a database using EF 6.x Tools for Visual Studio.
Package Description
The core of quantum framework