Top 20 NuGet Silverlight Packages

WickedFlame MVVM is a small MVVM Helper Framework that rapidly helps setup and build WPF Applications
The binding Engine that support Binding for all .net environment : WinForm, WPF, Web, Mono, Xamarin, etc.
My version for MVVM helpers
Converts true to Visible, false to Collapsed, and null to Hidden
The user interface foundation library for the "More" framework.
The user interface hosting library for the "More" framework.
Roslyn Analyzer/Generator for avoid boring boilerplate INotifyPropertyChanged implementation.
MVVMBlocks is an easy to use framework that allows you to easily implement the Model-View-ViewModel pattern in your Windows Store applications.
Attached behaviour to focus the first control on a window load
Helper for MVVM pattern
Attached behaviour for advancing focus on enter key. Useful for data entry forms
Attached behaviour for selecting all text when a given text box is focused
Automatic INotifyPropertyChanged and IEditableObject interfaces over any object
A replacement for the Grid in WPF/Silverlight
Common types for WPF / MVVM applications.
This package contains a set of helper classes for WPF, XAML, and Mono applications that use the MVVM pattern.
This is a fork of the original sqlite-net-PCL project. This package targets Silverlight 5 as a PCL platform
MVVM UI Utiities
Manipulable control for Silverlight