Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

Package Description
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support the Yixin Account authentication workflow.
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support the Youku Account authentication workflow.
Easy and Simple way to add membership feature to your project. based on Identity, Owin, Entity Framework.
ASP.NET Core middleware that enables an application to support Vkontakte OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.
OAuth MessageHandler for dotnetcore; a minimal implementation of the OAuth 1.0 standard for use with HttpClient
See description at project site or follow the link:
Azure Active Directory Bearer Authentication for .NET Core
HMAC-Based One-Time Password Algorithm Implementation for dotnet core. Designed to support two factor authentication with common authenticator apps like the Microsoft and Google authenticators.
Azure OAuth2 helper to obtain acess token
Owin.JwtAuth provides JSON Web Token authentication with X509 signing and configuration stored in App.config/Web.config.
zxm.AspNetCore.Authentication.Hmac.Identity is an extensions to authorization with zxm.AspNetCore.Authorization.Hmac.
Nequeo security Auth component
zxm.AspNetCore.Authorization.Hmac is an extensions to authorization with zxm.AspNetCore.Authorization.Hmac.
Membership and Roleprovider for C1
A simple Extranet for C1 built upon the Security package
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Basic authentication workflow.
A signature creator and validator, along with some useful extensions. Inspired by the AWS Signature V4.