Top 20 NuGet Security Packages

A simplified interface for dealing with Evernote via OAuth (Asynchronously or Synchronously)
A better implementation of ExtendedMembershipProvider with support for legacy MembershipProvider APIs.
An implementation of the IPermissionsStore using RavenDB.
Provider Agnostic OAuth authentication with External Providers
This OAuth 2 is a simple login frame with integration of Facebook, Google, Windows Live,Paypal login function. Just get the user information, the user log in is integrated into application. Support setting server agent.
Custom Identities and the related authentication API This code is open source.
A SqlClient implementation of the security providers.
Implementation of Loremipsum Permissions for ASP.NET MVC
Database interfaces and entities used by Glipho.OAuth.Providers.
This is a RavenDB base implementation of a ResidenceStore. It stores residence information in a RavenDB.
An endpoint implementation for the residence store protocol, as a Nancy Module.
Hawk Http Authentication for RestSharp
Hawk Http Authentication for ServiceStack
Windows Authentication for Azure (kind of)
An endpoint implementation for the residence store protocol, as a Nancy Module.
Hawk Http Authentication for WCF REST
Extension to DotNetOpenAuth adding more social networks
Extensions created to support native authentication and authorization oAuth extensions.
A metrics observer that push metrics to datadog plataform.
ASP.NET 5 middleware that enables an application to support Yandex's OAuth 2.0 authentication workflow.