Top 20 NuGet Patterns Packages
Structure Basical:
Extensions Methods, Sql DbContext, Sql Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo DbContext, Mongo Repository & UnitOfWork, Mongo GridFs, Utilities, Exception Handler, ApiResponse
A .NET 8.0 BlobStorage Repository based on Microsoft samples
URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions.Trackable
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions.Services
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
Generic repository for .net
URF - Unit of Work and Repositories Framework for .NET Standard and .NET Core (Official): Abstractions
This official URF framework minimizes the surface area of your ORM technlogy from disseminating in your application. Framework provides an elegant way to implement a reusable and extensible Unit of Work and Repository pattern.
CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation.
This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates implementing the mapper pattern between data classes and DTO's.
Abstract libraries for Zaabee.Mongo.
Postgres Implementation of Connection Factory using Npgsql.
Sql Server Implementation of Connection Factory using SqlClient.
A .NET 8.0 CosmosDb Repository based on Microsoft sample
Library to access data storage with Unit of Work, Repository and Entity classes.
This package contains CRUD functions with mongodb driver functions like find that are ready for use for MongoDB .Net Core
A base repostitory implementation to be used in message-drive, CQRS-based architectures
Azure BLOB Storage Repositories for JSON files in the Cloud
Easy read and write in your DB
Simple to use: only 2 lines of code to read and write in SqlServer table!
DataManager DM = new DataManager("dbname", "catalog", "username", "password");
DataTable res = DM.getAllRecords Datatable ("table to read");
Thats all!
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The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Domain contains various abstractions. Also, there are domain exceptions (not found, validation, security). The implementation can be found in Saritasa.Tools.EFCore3, Saritasa.Tools.EF6 packages.
Yarn MongoDB Provider
Provides a base when implementing the repository pattern with EF6.