Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

A data access implementation to make easy find and pagination data, applying repository pattern using Entity Framework.
An abstraction for data access to make easy CRUD operations, find and pagination data, apply and use repository pattern.
KonnectorORM mapea tablas a entidades además valida con un dialecto interno basado en XSD, la clase debe heredar de KonnectorCatalog la cual debe implementar 4 propiedades, TableName, PrimaryKey, XmlValidations, ID
M-Files object mapper for vault entities
Blueshift Software MongoDb Provider for Microsoft EntityFramework Core
SqLite Micro ORM
A simple implementation for soft deleting entities that you can add it to your project and soft delete entities that you want to soft delete and handle related data to soft delete or force delete from the database. Documentation:
Scaffold your PostgreSQL routines
Library of concrete components to implement data access with EFCore.
Data Access Layer
EasyData is a simple abstraction layer for persistence to various data stores. You can write your own plugin for a data store or select from a pre-existing one.
Poly policies for EF
Mini Dapper ORM Library
Package Description
CRUD based ORM system. Simple to set up and use.
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
SmartDb.PostgreSql.NetCore是一套基于DoNet和DoNetCore对PostgreSql数据库支持的快速开发和轻量级ORM框架,需要SmartDb.NetCore作为基础框架。 包NuGet地址: 框架Git开源地址: 框架博客地址: 联系邮箱:joy...