Top 20 NuGet ORM Packages

Query your data like a boss.
Ninject DI bindings for Susanoo
Castle Windsor DI bindings for Susanoo
StackExchange Redis caching for Susanoo
Teaq is a mini-ORM that offers object materialization, relational mapping and query batching services. Teaq offers a simple API to do common database interactions with SQL Server. Performance is most important, as is low startup cost. In addition, queries can be arbitrarily batched to minimize serve...
Usefull database helpers
Hybrid-ORM for .Net
Format the SQL output on the SQL tab when using your existing NHibernate assemblies in LINQPad. Import into LINQPad and run the sample .linq query to learn more.
some common class used in my development.An NHibernateSessionContext could used both in web and desk app, and so on..
Entity Framework is Microsoft's recommended data access technology for new applications.
Contains components for Entity Framework.
Simple Micro-ORM
Data EF Libraries implement the generic repositry db context and db provider using Entity Framework Core
This is a mapping library that can convert dynamic data into static types and populate complex nested child objects
SQLite provider for Zenith
PostgreSQL provider for Zenith
SqlServer provider for Zenith
A simple implementation for soft deleting entities that you can add it to your project and soft delete entities that you want to soft delete and handle related data to soft delete or force delete from the database. Documentation:
A data access implementation to make easy CRUD, find and pagination data, applying repository pattern using Entity Framework.