Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Razor is a markup syntax for adding server-side logic to web pages. This package exposes public shims from core Razor that are used in the OmniSharp plugin.
Razor is a markup syntax for adding logic to pages. This package contains the Omnisharp Razor plugin that extracts Razor configuration information from projects.
Extras for Ceen
Kentico MVC widget for carousel
Send emails via SendGrid using their REST API
Generate emails using Razor templates. Anything you can do in ASP.NET is possible here. Uses the RazorLight project under the hood.
Send emails very easily. Use razor templates, smtp, embedded files, all without hassle. This is a Base Package and includes just the domain model, very basic defaults, and is also included with every other Fluent Mailer package here.
Package for using with ASP.NET projects to provide cli commands feature, e.g.: dotnet run cli emails:send-gifts
Finds a view by it's name, inject model and get contents as string then render output directly to Http response.
mail helper for mvc and webform
JavaScript-like timer API for .NET
Extends the AjaxHelper class to validate a section of inputs within a form without a postback.
Sort, Filter and Paginate a standard dotnet Core MVC grid. Provides quick and easy TagHelpers that make adding sorting and filtering in table headers simple.
A superior encryption algorithm for encrypting data types string, integer and byte arrray as well as Decrptying corresponding Data types
ASP.Net MPESA STKPush Package to Create and Initaite STKPush Request To Safaricom Mpesa Api by providing initial STK MetaData configuration and push Request. Also Included is Mpesa CallBack data reply Model for accessing Mpesa response from the Safaricom Mpesa Api
Templates to use when creating a CRUD Mvc application
Provides functionality for retrieving metadata of models, based on the attributes they are annotated with.