Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

OWIN hosting support for FubuMVC applications
ASP .NET MVC AJAX Pager control with URL history navigation
The ASP.NET MVC 4 integration with Frappe. Frappe is a compile time bundler for JavaScript, Css, and Less for high volume, high performance ASP.NET sites.
See MvcHaack.Ajax package description
Mobiscroll package for jQuery Mobile
This Mousetrap extension overwrites the default bind behavior and allows you to bind multiple combinations in a single bind call. To use this extension, all you have to do is include the javascript on your page after you include Mousetrap.
This extension allows you to specify keyboard events that will work anywhere including inside textarea/input fields. To use this extension, all you have to do is include the javascript on your page after you include Mousetrap.
This Mousetrap extension allows Mousetrap to be paused and unpaused without having to reset keyboard shortcuts and rebind them. To use this extension, all you have to do is include the javascript on your page after you include Mousetrap.
Bootstrap based JavaScript grid built as a jQuery plugin and making use of the Handlebars templating library. Super simple to use and very customizable.
A helper library which allows segmenting ASP.NET MVC controllers and views by feature rather than type.
CoffeeScript processing for System.Web.Optimization bundles.
Import library for Linq.js ( for projects compiled with Saltarelle.Compiler. Unfortunately the official version is slightly incompatible with the Saltarelle runtime so you have to use the JS files included in this package instead of the official linq.js release.
This package contains contains the Script.Microsoft.BingMaps assembly that allows you to reference and program against Bing Maps control and mapping APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.Web assembly that allows you to reference and program against DOM and related APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.jQuery assembly that allows you to reference and program against the rich set of jQuery APIs when creating HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.
This package contains contains the Script.Knockout assembly that allows you to reference and program against the Knockout APIs when creating MVVM-style HTML5/browser-based applications with Script#.