Top 20 NuGet MVC Packages

Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Autofac integration.
Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) and Unity integration.
A css and javascript manager that will dynamically combine and minimize the files and serve them through a handler.
This project was designed to add new functionality to LuckyAssetManager. In LuckyAssetManagerContrib implemented 2 custom processor: SelectPathProcessor (processor for choosing pre-minified assets with file extensions *.min.js and *.min.css in release mode) and FinalProcessor (responsible for replac...
Automatically build JavaScript and CSS modules based on the dependencies between files. CoffeeScript is also supported.
ASP.NET MVC extensions for Linq2Rest to support binding a Linq2Rest ModelFilter using a ModelBinder. Use ModelFilterBinder as default model binder for IModelFilter{T}.
Deprecated in favor of i18N-Complete. Will be removed soon.
MarkdownDeep ASP.NET MVC Sample
JsAction is a simple and lightweight RouteHandler for ASP.NET MVC and WEBAPI that will generate automatic jQuery based Javascript and provide a direct way to call MVC and WEBAPI Action Methods using a single data annotation. You will no longer have to write custom ajax calls to retrieve data, but ju...
Adds kinetic scrolling to a div container
Cleans html with a whitelist for tags and attributes. Filters attributes with regex. It has a Model Binder for MVC 3 that detects UIHint("html"), AllowHtml and DataType attributes on model's properties and cleans those properies' value before the action method.
A simple jQuery plug-in that allows users to enter a time of day and optionally select a time from a drop down list.
IronJS is an ECMAScript 3.0 implementation built on top of the Dynamic Language Runtime from Microsoft, which allows you to embed a JavaScript runtime into your .NET applications.
Isis is a control panel for ASP.NET applications that allows easy visibility into the application's assemblies (debug or not), logging, errors, cache, session, performance counters, and more.
EasyCaptcha library for Mvc
Caching engine for local and/or remote AppFabric caches.
About ExtAspNet ExtJS based ASP.NET 2.0 Controls with native AJAX support and rich UI effects. ExtAspNet Mission Create No JavaScript, No CSS, No UpdatePanel, No ViewState and No WebServices web application. Support Browsers IE 7.0+, Firefox 3.6+, Chrome 3.0+, Opera 10.5+, Safari 3.0+ License Ap...
An easy-to-use management system for the ASP.NET Membership system built for ASP.NET MVC 4 applications. This application comes complete with an Area, Controllers, Views and everything you need to start managing your ASP.NET MVC 4 application immediately.
Extension for Mugen Injection providing integration with ASP.NET MVC4.
UCDArch Mvc package for bringing UCDArch and related components into an MVC application